Stenzel, Kivits & Orchestra
The Perfect Combination
With Stenzel & Kivits, every concert takes on an extra dimension. A unique combination of the orchestra's perfectly rehearsed works complemented by the unpredictable twists and turns of this musical duo. Not only for the conductor is a performance with Stenzel & Kivits a challenge; for the musicians in the orchestra it is sometimes an ordeal to keep playing the notes in the right order.
Because... the haughty, stately tenor Mr Stenzel is accompanied by his scatterbrained, somewhat bumbling but highly skilled pianist Mr Kivits. The disturbed relationship between the two musical personalities often has a disruptive impact on the orchestra. Thus, each concert balances between harmonious ensemble playing, musical delights, improvisations and theatrical humour. Not infrequently, the ambitious Stenzel even tries to take over the conductor's baton....
According to Stenzel & Kivits, playing together with an orchestra is ‘The Perfect Combination’. Nothing is fixed in advance with them, especially the grand piano.